Friday 24 November 2017

Mathletics Champions

Tau kē to our Weka tamariki that have been able to use their Mathletics account at home as well as at school.

Thursday 23 November 2017

If I had wings...

If I had wings I could glide like an eagle and dive down so fast, faster than a cheetah. 
- Fisiimoli

If I had wings I would fly to heaven and see my grandad and take him to his grave and dig it all up so he could get in his body. When he got in his body I would let him go to mum's house. When we got to mum's house I told mum to come outside with her eyes closed. 
- Jayden

If I had wings I would fly to the top of the clouds. Then I would see lots of places. The place I would like to go to would be the place where I land so I can see how beautiful it is. When I landed at the Botanical Gardens it was very nice. 
- Ryan

If I had wings I would fly over the ocean looking for sharks. It was cloudy. I would fly through the clouds and make it so it isn't cloud anymore. I would remove the rain by doing the same thing. I would fly to school and fly back from school. 
- Creedance

If I had wings I would fly to Africa to give all the people food and then I would go to see my grandma.
- Levana

Wednesday 22 November 2017


We started our measurement unit using length and centimetres. Here we are with our foot measurements from longest to shortest.

In Weka we have been learning about measuring length using different units of measurement. We made paper planes and used metres to work out how far they went. Kēkē ana te haere!   

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Art and Reading

An artist's impression of a book he is reading at reading time. Tino Pai!

Friday 10 November 2017

Hip Hop at Te Waka

We have been enjoying our new school hall lots. Here is a video of the Te Waka juniors busting out some cool dance moves to Whip Nae Nae. If you like dancing or music, come along on a Thursday at lunchtime for a look. Remember if you come to Hip Hop at lunchtime you do not miss out on your lunch play! So you can have the best of both worlds.